A group of Apple customers has initiated a class-action lawsuit against the company, alleging that Apple violated California consumer protection laws by continuing to sell AirPods Pro models that were prone to crackling or static sound issues. The lawsuit claims that Apple’s failure to address these persistent problems constitutes false advertising.
A few months after the AirPods Pro came out in October 2019, buyers began to complain about crackling, rattling, popping, and static-like noises affecting the AirPods Pro. The sound seemed to show up when something caused an earbud to move or vibrate, such as walking or running.
Apple tried to fix the problem with software updates, but the company ultimately launched an AirPods Pro repair program in October 2020. Customers with affected AirPods Pro were able to bring them to Apple for a fix or a replacement, but unfortunately, many customers found that their replacement AirPods Pro also suffered from the same issue.
As a result, Apple is now facing a class action lawsuit, with the plaintiffs requesting “relief” due to the defective nature of the AirPods Pro.
MacDailyNews Note: The United States District Court Northern District of California will need to decide if the case merits class action certification. More about LaBella et al v. Apple via SCRIBD here.
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